Thursday, September 12, 2019

September Pick: The Goldfinch

Just days after The Goldfinch premiered at TIFF, we'll be seeing the film at what, for us, is an unusual venue: the Yonge/Eglinton Cineplex on Tuesday, September 17, for the 12:30 pm screening. Be aware that it is extra-long at 135 minutes.

SYNOPSIS:  If you've read the Pulitizer Prize-winning novel by Donna Tartt, you won't mind reading the following spoiler. If not, you might want to skip it:

Theodore Decker was 13 years old when his mother was killed in a bombing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The tragedy changes the course of his life, sending him on a stirring odyssey of grief and guilt, reinvention and redemption, and even love.  Through it all, he holds on to one tangible piece of hope from that terrible day -- a painting of a tiny bird chained to its perch. 
REVIEWS:  They've been mixed between ecstatic and dismissive, but Movie Club members, I believe, prefer to make up their own minds - which is why I've chosen not to publish links to any of them. 

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