Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 8 Outing

With the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy coming up, I'm thinking many of us would like to see Parkland, which is about what took place in Dallas that day, inside and outside Parkland Hospital, to which both the president and Lee Harvey Oswald were rushed. Here's the trailer: 

Regretfully, I won't be be able to join you (because of a health situation), so Sharon Roebuck will shepherd our flock this time. Please meet her at the Varsity Theatre near the box office 15 minutes before the 2;10 screening.

If you'd like to eat at Scaccia, the downstairs restaurant we usually go to after the movie, please let me know by noon Monday, Oct. 7, so Sharon can make a reservation for the correct number of people.

Hoping to see you for next month's outing,
