For our December pick, I've chosen a spot of escapism from our own troubled times. It is Allied, a romantic WWII thriller that's been called "a bit like Casablanca in reverse." Brad Pitt plays a Canadian wing commander serving in the Royal Air Force and Marion Cotillard plays ... well, let's decide for ourselves after seeing Robert Zemeckis' latest film.
We'll see Allied at the Varsity Cinema (ManuLife Centre, Bay & Bloor) for the 1:10 screening, meaning that we'll meet near the box office about 20 minutes earlier.
Allied is the story of intelligence officer Max Vatan (Brad Pitt), who in 1942 North Africa encounters French Resistance fighter Marianne Beausejour (Marion Cotillard) on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Reunited in London, their relationship is threatened by the extreme pressures of the war.
REVIEW: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/movies/allied-review-brad-pitt-marion-cotillard.html?referrer=google_kp&_r=0
BTW, if you missed my email about this, the Movie Club members who attempted to see our November Pick, Hacksaw Ridge, ended up walking out because the Yonge/Dundas Cineplex insisted that it could only be seen in the VIP auditorium, where ticket prices are $20. I asked why and was given some flimsy excuse about the film being presented there because it has mature themes and violence. "Uh," I replied, "you mean like most other films you're presenting at regular prices?" No answer I could understand was offered. And when I inquired whether VIP prices were being charged at other Cineplexes, the answer was no. I lodged a complaint in the name of LIFE's Movie Club, but don't hold your breath waiting for a change in policy.
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