Dame Helen Mirren in a camo suit in command of a war room? I'm in! On a less frivolous note, our April pick - Eye in the Sky - is an action film (a rarity for the Movie Club), but what it really is is a serious debate about the moral issues involved in the relatively recent arrival of drones as weapons of war. A very timely topic.
Our Helen is joined by another of our favourites: Alan Rickman, who died in January. This was his final movie performance and his powerful presence and inimitable speaking style will be sorely missed on our screens.
Synopsis: London-based military intelligence officer Colonel Katherine Powell (Helen Mirren) is remotely commanding a top secret drone operation to capture a group of dangerous terrorists at their safe-house in Nairobi, Kenya. The mission suddenly escalates from a capture to a kill operation when Powell realizes the terrorists are about to embark on a deadly suicide mission. American drone pilot Steve Watts (Aaron Paul) is poised to destroy the safe-house when a nine-year-old-girl enters the kill zone just outside the walls of the house. With unforeseen collateral damage now entering the equation, the impossible decision of when to strike gets passed up the kill chain of politicians and lawyers as the seconds tick down.
Trailer: http://www.cinemaclock.com/ont/toronto/movies/eye-in-the-sky-2015/videos/203609
Interview with Helen Mirren:
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