Fans of Michael Moore's unique point of view as expressed in his documentaries, including Roger & Me, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 911, Sicko and Capitalism: A Love Story won't want to miss his latest: Where to Invade Next.
Movie Club members will be seeing the film at the Varsity Cinema (Manulife Centre, Bloor & Bay) on Tuesday, March 1. Screen time is 1:20.
SYNOPSIS: To study what can be learned from other countries about more equitable social and commercial policies and practices, compared with prevailing conditions in the United States, Michael Moore playfully "invades" Italy, France, Norway, Germany, Tunisia and elsewhere. He comes away with a startling conclusion - which will NOT be revealed here. In his trademark style, which combines humour with gut-wrenching realities, what Moore reveals is both inspirational and envy-inducing.