Learning to Drive, in which Patricia Clarkson stars as a recently dumped wife who hires Ben Kingsley to teach her to drive, will be our September choice.
It's on at the Varsity Cinema (ManuLife Centre, Bloor & Bay) and we'll go to the 2:40 screening. So let's meet about 20 minutes before then near the box office.
Those who wish to nosh afterward will head downstairs to Scaccia. As always, no need to let me know if you're planning to see the film but not eat afterwards; but if you do plan to go to the restaurant, please notify me NO LATER THAN NOON on Monday, August 31.
Academy Award nominee Patricia Clarkson and Academy Award winner
Ben Kingsley star in this feel-good, coming of (middle) age comedy about
a mismatched pair who help each other overcome life’s road blocks.
Wendy is a fiery Manhattan author whose husband has just left her for a younger woman; Darwan is a soft-spoken taxi driver from India on the verge of an arranged marriage. As Wendy sets out to reclaim her independence, she runs into a barrier common to many lifelong New Yorkers: she’s never learned to drive. When Wendy hires Darwan to teach her, her unraveling life and his calm restraint seem like an awkward fit. But as he shows her how to take control of the wheel, and she coaches him on how to impress a woman, their unlikely friendship awakens them to the joy, humor, and love in starting life anew.
Director, Cast, etc.: www.learningtodrivemovie.com
Wendy is a fiery Manhattan author whose husband has just left her for a younger woman; Darwan is a soft-spoken taxi driver from India on the verge of an arranged marriage. As Wendy sets out to reclaim her independence, she runs into a barrier common to many lifelong New Yorkers: she’s never learned to drive. When Wendy hires Darwan to teach her, her unraveling life and his calm restraint seem like an awkward fit. But as he shows her how to take control of the wheel, and she coaches him on how to impress a woman, their unlikely friendship awakens them to the joy, humor, and love in starting life anew.
Director, Cast, etc.: www.learningtodrivemovie.com