Monday, November 25, 2013

December Movie Club Outing

This is a Save the Date message. 

Philomena, which was a big hit at TIFF, will arrive in cinemas this Friday. If you're planning to see it, please don't do so before we get together to see it on Tuesday, December 3.

I'll have to let you know later about which cinema and what time later, but wanted to make sure you all know what's up. 

In case you haven't heard about Philomena, it stars the incomparable Dame Judi Dench as a woman who was forced to give up her out-of-wedlock baby and now, late in life, is looking for it.

More details, plus a synopsis and trailer later.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Outing: Nov. 5

For November, how about we go for a goofy adventure in Las Vegas by a quartet of friends of our vintage - Michael Douglas, Kevin Kline, Morgan Freeman and Robert De Niro? Yes, I'm talking about Last Vegas. The synopsis and trailer are below.

Let's meet at the Carlton Cinema (Carlton St. just east of Yonge, north side) 15 minutes before the 1:40 screening. And afterwards, let's repeat the fun time some of us had at good old Fran's a while back. If you're interested in having a snack or meal there after the film, RSVP to me no later than noon on Monday, Nov. 4, so I can make a reservation for the correct number of people.

Hope to see you on Tuesday, Nov. 5,
Terry Poulton

Last Vegas Movie Synopsis

Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline), now in their late sixties, have been best friends since childhood. When Billy, the last single member of their group, finally proposes to his much-younger girlfriend, the four decide to throw the ultimate Las Vegas bachelor party.
However, upon arriving, the four quickly realize that the decades have transformed Sin City. In their day, the Rat Pack played the Sandsnow Cirque du Soleil rules the Strip. They soon find themselves on an unexpected adventure as Sam attracts the attention of a drag queen and Archie wins big at blackjack, which gets them an upgrade to the hotel's most lavish suite.