Monday, January 28, 2013

Quartet Screening Time Change

Whoops! The Varsity Cinema just changed its screening times for Quartet.

The first afternoon screening on February 5 will now be 1:30 p.m. (not 2:00), so let's assemble near the box office at about 1:10. Read all about the movie in the previous blog post.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

First Club Outing in 2013: Quartet

Your club coordinator - that would be me - has unilaterally chosen Quartet as the first film for Life's revived Movie Club members to see together now that the Winter 2013 semester is beginning. In future, we'll discuss what to see next when we get together at a restaurant post-screening.

This time around, I hope you'll agree that Quartet (not to be confused with A Late Quartet) is a good choice for film fans of our vintage - which more or less matches the vintage of Maggie Smith, Tom Courtney, Pauline Collins, Billy Connolly and the other actors in what promises to be a delightful English movie. It's about former musical stars rising to a challenge in an upscale retirement home, and it is Dustin Hoffman's directorial debut.

If you haven't yet seen the preview of Quartet, here's a link to its official trailer:  

As  always, the Movie Club's outing is on the first Tuesday of the month. So, on February 5 ,let's meet near the box office of the Varsity Cinema (Bloor & Bay streets) 20 minutes before the 2:00 showing, after which we'll go to one of the downstairs restaurants for snacks or meals.

Because we need to make a reservation at the restaurant, please notify me via email ( AT LEAST A WEEK IN ADVANCE if you plan to join in the Munch & Discuss session. But don't bother emailing me if you've only got time to see the movie.
